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27 Apr 2017
Tony Greenham
As we launch into 2017 it seems that, just like buses, all three of the Economy, Enterprise and Manufacturing team’s (EEM) core themes have arrived on the political and social agenda at once.
31 Jul 2016
Luisa Spina
Small Gathering for Big Thoughts is a dialogue process in which people are invited to bring their own ingredients, meet a stranger and cook together without a recipe.
06 Jul 2016
Julia Bennett
How do we overcome the barriers for craft microbusinesses, so they can reap the benefits of some amazing collaborations with other industries?
30 Jun 2016
Molly Gavriel
Millions of people who need to use a wheelchair do not have access to one which is suitable for their needs. Molly Gavriel explains how digital technologies could change that.
24 Mar 2016
Jude Sherry
Jude Sherry FRSA is looking into what capacity does Bristol have to produce the products the city needs?
17 Mar 2016
Reflections from FRSA Peredur Williams on his rapid engagement with RSA Fellowship and how one event led to impact
26 Feb 2016
Historian Frank Trentmann traces the evolution of our material culture, and reveals how what we consume has become the defining feature of our lives.
Fellowship news
Join Nottingham Fellows for a weekend geared towards celebrating independent print & publishing in all its glorious forms! Entry is free
15 Feb 2016
Krissie Nicolson FRSA
Krissie Nicolson FRSA, founder of East End Trades Guild, looks at how maker spaces can regenerate local economies and empower communities to shape their cities.
21 Dec 2015
Keeley Davies Josie Warden
The recent RSA Makers Summit saw the Benjamin Franklin room transformed into a mini makerspace. Here Keeley Davies and Josie Warden reflect on the power of the event.
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