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Showing 21 to 10 of 56 results
10 Dec 2015
Kenny McCarthy
Imagine you are a baby again, what would the world look like?
01 Jul 2015
Mark Hall
Exploring the streets for answers, through hidden messages, chance meetings and unexpected discoveries.
05 May 2015
Andy Gibson, Founder of Mindapples, visits the RSA to argue that the time has come for us to put the needs of our minds at the heart of how we run our businesses.
27 Apr 2015
Matthew Taylor
In his latest blog, Matthew describes how we need the 'wisdom of Janus' to understand and improve the human condition.
08 Feb 2015
Vivienne Duke
Following the recent publication of the RSA's Spiritualise report, author Vivienne Duke explores spirituality in the every day, addressing her six new ways of thinking.
18 Dec 2014
Joanna Massie
Last night, as I was woken up by a drunk housemate coming back from her Christmas party in the wee small hours, I was struck by the oddity of the pre-Christmas indulgence culture.
20 Oct 2014
Coaching. Psychotherapy. Meditation. Spirituality. Self-improvement. Self-love. What do these seemingly different collective trends have in common?
06 Oct 2014
So, at the beginning of your mindfulness practice… Oh, and by ‘beginning,’
07 May 2014
Jonathan Rowson
"What is most personal is most universal." - Carl Rogers
30 Apr 2014
Meditation is simply about being yourself, and knowing something about who that is. - Jon Kabat-Zinn.
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