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22 May 2013
Jonathan Rowson
One would assume that using less of something every time you need to use it would mean that you use less of it overall, right?
09 Apr 2013
“Remember our duty to nature before it is too late...That duty is constant. It is never completed. It lives on as we breathe.” Margaret Thatcher
13 Mar 2013
As part of our research for 'The Power of Curiosity' report I came upon a particularly arresting turn of phrase that encapsulates one of the major policy issues of our time: 'the energy trilemma.'
05 Mar 2013
“If the biosphere is wrecked, it will be done by nice, well-meaning, cosmopolitan people who accept the case for cutting emissions, but who won’t change by one iota the way they live.” (G Monbiot, Heat, 2007, xvii)
05 Feb 2013
Do you care about climate change? Do you think you have a role to play in helping to reduce carbon emissions? Would you make small changes if you knew they would make a difference? What’s stopping you?
22 Jan 2013
If you have an apple and I have an apple and we exchange these apples then you and I will still each have one apple. But if you have an idea and I have an idea and we exchange these ideas, then each of us will have two ideas. - George Bernard Shaw
23 Aug 2012
Climate change has moved from being predominantly a physical phenomenon to being simultaneously a social phenomenon. And these two phenomenon are very different...It is a story about the meeting of Nature and Culture. - Mike Hulme.
14 Jun 2012
(If you are just too curious to see the actual RSA report to read this blog, go here, now, and come back and tell us what you think...)
31 May 2012
Like most people I know, I accept the gravity of climate change at an intellectual level, but don't live my life as if the message has really sunk in. It seems that many if not most people reading this blog will be in a similar state: fully aware of the balance of evidence but somehow trapped in patterns of thinking and behaving that seem to prevent us from aligning our actions with our awareness.
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