Fellowship Events
Public talks
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Showing 21 to 10 of 33 results
17 Mar 2021
Nabil Ahmed FRSA
Nabil Ahmed FRSA argues that Covid-19 has exposed the extent to which we have neglected inequality as the defining characteristic of progress.
01 Feb 2021
Saba Salman FRSA
Policymakers need to pay more attention to the voices of those with disabilities
18 Jan 2021
Salma Zulfiqar FRSA
Salma Zulfiqar FRSA on how her project ARTconnects has been responding to the current crisis.
27 Aug 2020
James Parker FRSA
Being able to easily get out into green spaces shouldn't have to be a privilege
04 Jun 2020
Afifa Waheed FRSA
Afifa Waheed FRSA calls for more creative and innovative solutions to help domestic abuse victims during the pandemic.
04 May 2020
Glanville Williams
Glanville Williams FRSA asks whether discrimination could be the reason why black and minority ethnic healthcare workers are at a disproportionately high risk of becoming critically ill with Covid-19.
16 Apr 2020
Poppy Jaman FRSA
Poppy Jaman FRSA on how the government can address the significantly higher risks faced by large swathes of the population and ensure a more diverse, equitable and inclusive response to this pandemic crisis and beyond.
22 Aug 2019
Becky O'Connor
Many people renting their homes from private landlords feel stuck between a rock and a hard place: Rebecca O’Connor FRSA asks whether institutional investors give trapped private renters a way out?
03 Sep 2018
Dr Muhammad Abdul Bari
Dr Muhammad Abdul Bari argues Boris Johnson's demonisation and mocking of niqab wearers at best displayed a brazen example of ignorant Islamophobia and the bullying of a minority. At worst it signalled a condoning of right wing extremist views.
23 Nov 2017
Benjamin Harvey
Ben Harvey FRSA wants to start Fellow-led activity supporting people with disabilities in, or working towards, leadership positions. Find out more and get involved.
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