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14 Sep 2019
Asheem Singh
Why business leaders, politicians, and friends fail to listen - and the three ways you can listen better.
26 Aug 2019
Ross Smith
Just what do 19th-century aristocrats and technologically adept, 21st-century citizens have in common?
03 Jul 2019
Matthew Taylor Rowan Conway
The way political leaders deny reality is reflected in the public itself. We need new methods to solve society's problems.
17 May 2019
Matthew Taylor
What successful policies and organisations have in common.
07 Dec 2018
James Shield
Jonathan Haidt speaks with Matthew Taylor on polarisation, identity politics and the importance of social science for our collective future.
30 Nov 2018
Will Grimond
Last week's event provided some invaluable insights.
09 Nov 2018
Graham Henderson
If the First World War should teach us anything, it is that far from being a species characterised by progress and peace, human beings are characterised by war and conflict.
09 Oct 2018
Matthew Taylor on how to cope in a polarised world.
27 Sep 2018
Anthony Painter
What do Jeremy Corbyn, Donald Trump, and Vladimir Putin have in common? Not as much as we've been led to believe, argues Anthony Painter
13 Sep 2018
Julian Astle
What is the 'intellectual dark web' and what do its members really believe?
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