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29 Jun 2015
Tom Gilliford
Nicky Morgan and Ofsted have given school governors lots of responsibilities. Tom Gilliford suggests that governors must embrace these, and the power that comes with them.
19 May 2015
There can be no doubt that we need more creativity in our education system. But what's holding us back? Tom Gilliford asks if we are taking the easy way out by continually laying blame at Oftsed's feet.
25 Apr 2015
Working with ECIS, the RSA has produced a think piece outlining how international schools can be a movement for positive change within education.
13 Apr 2015
School governors should feel confident in rewarding educators who have the courage to innovate, even if that innovation leads to failure.
10 Dec 2014
Our new animation and publication explore how we can unleash creativity among teachers, with 11 authors offering their perspective from practice, policy and academia on how we can improve teacher quality.
07 Nov 2014
Licensed to Create is a collection of essays from some of the leading thinkers in education. 11 authors offer their unique perspective from practice, policy and academia on how we can improve teacher quality.
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