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17 Apr 2017
Josie Warden
As our Community Business Leaders Programme opens for new applications, we reflect on what we can learn about leadership from these organisations.
Fellowship news
21 Mar 2017
Anthony Davidson FRSA share his project BigBarn, enabling consumers to get products directly from farmers
07 Mar 2017
Dirk Bischof FRSA
Dirk Bischof, Chief Executive of Hatch Enterprise, on their new Female Founders Accelerator
21 Feb 2017
Manchester Social Entrepreneurs are hosting an open forum discussion, focusing on your opinions, questions, ideas, hesitations or any perspective you want to share. All are welcome.
29 Jan 2017
Jessica Prendergast Naomi Griffith
Onion Collective explores what this really means, and how we can achieve it
17 Nov 2016
This Because opens a store on Broadwick Street, selling presents that look good and do good On Wednesday 23 November, This Because launch their pop-up shop on Broadwick Street, Soho, just in time for Christmas.
08 Nov 2016
Mayor of London helps launch the East End Independents' Day over breakfast at world famous E. Pellicci cafe in Bethnal Green.
02 Nov 2016
Ruth Shave
What if monitoring and evaluation used simple metrics and tied into your theory of change in a way that could double up as promotional material?
28 Sep 2016
Stephen Clare
In the third of his blogs exploring leadership, Steve Clare FRSA reflects on the qualities needed to tackle the systemic problems we face today, collectively.
06 Sep 2016
Georgie Grant and Naomi Griffith
From 4,000 visitors a year to 4,000 in one month; Georgie Grant and Naomi Griffith from Onion Collective tell us about their community's journey in redeveloping Watchet's Boat Museum.
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