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27 Apr 2017
David Boyle (blog)
How can our public services be at their most effective? Does the future entail wet or dry hands?
20 Apr 2017
Rachel O'Brien
With a general election looming, Rachel O'Brien discusses the future of the Ministry of Justice and prison reform in England and Wales.
30 Mar 2017
Jonathan Schifferes
Housing associations have a critical role to play in inclusive growth strategies, argues Jonathan Schifferes.
Why does policy fail? David Boyle makes the case for the local integration of services
27 Mar 2017
Ahmed Shaal
For inclusive growth to truly succeed, it will require strong and fair social institutions.
26 Mar 2017
Indy Johar
Manifesting inclusive growth means attacking the 20th century Holy Grail illusion of meritocracy, argues Indy Johar.
16 Mar 2017
Peter Campbell
Peter Campbell of the Business Services Association outlines three ways to promote inclusive growth.
07 Mar 2017
Stephanie Flanders
Without inclusive growth the country will become more divided outside the EU than it ever was within it, argues Stephanie Flanders.
06 Mar 2017
Tom Harrison
With Mayoral elections across England in May 2017, those at the margins of economic development need to define the success of city leadership. We need a Mental Health Manifesto for Cities.
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