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26 Jul 2018
Fabian Wallace-Stephens
Good work consists of a range of aspects including pay, training, working conditions and work-life balance. To what extent are there gaps in the UK? Have these worsened over time? And who faces the greatest challenges?
20 Jul 2018
Benedict Dellot
The term automation conjures images of people being pushed out of work by new machines. But automation comes in many shapes and sizes. Here we look at four types.
09 Jul 2018
Benedict Dellot Fabian Wallace-Stephens
Today we launch the Future Work Centre and the Future Work Awards, two initiatives that will deepen our understanding of how policymakers, educators, employers and workers can and are preparing for the challenges of the 21st century.
14 Jun 2018
Anthony Painter
Anthony Painter argues that instead of trying patch up a fundamentally flawed welfare system, we now need revolutionary change leading towards a Universal Basic Income and other major reforms.
29 May 2018
Bullshit jobs may well be commonplace. But don't blame some imagined conspiracy. Blame awful managers.
21 May 2018
The allure of a 4-day working week is understandable. But it will remain a pipe dream unless we can address endemic low pay, the affront of technology on our leisure time and unwarranted employer expectations.
04 Apr 2018
Matthew Taylor
Developing a multi-track approach of a better legal framework and the concerted use of sectoral self-regulation could move employment law from policy backwater to best practice, argues Matthew Taylor.
Today there are no shortage of institutions trying to make the world of work that more liveable. But what if a job is no longer enough to get by?
16 Feb 2018
Jamie Cooke
Examples of where we feel the Universal Basic Opportunity Fund could bring great economic security and better work to the lives of people in the UK.
Our new report offers a practical means of advancing the UK towards a Universal Basic Income system. The Universal Basic Opportunity Fund could represent a stepping stone – to be enacted now – towards a better way of enabling citizens to live meaningful and contributory lives.
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