Public Talks
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12 Jul 2020
How to learn the lessons from the Covid-19 crisis for a next generation health and care system.
Policy briefing
10 May 2020
This short paper explores how police forces in the UK are communicating their use of artificial intelligence and automated decision systems.
23 May 2019
For this report the RSA and WorldSkills UK, supported by the Further Education Trust for Leadership (FETL), found inspiring examples of innovation in skills from around the world to help improve UK policy.
24 Jul 2018
This report describes the findings from a six-month inquiry where we applied the RSA’s model of change “think like a system, act like an entrepreneur” to the challenges of procuring and scaling innovation through government.
04 May 2018
The RSA and NEF in partnership with NHS England publish a report to develop a community-led health system.
08 Dec 2017
Are we wholly responsible for our actions? We don’t choose our brains, our genetic inheritance, our circumstances – so how much control do we really have over our lives? Philosopher Raoul Martinez argues that no one is truly blameworthy.
23 Oct 2017
How can we liberate and harness energy for change in our communities? Reflections from the Health as Social Movement project.
01 Oct 2017
Working with six local authorities from across England, the Transforming Together project sought to understand the key factors that contribute to successful partnerships.
01 Aug 2017
Prisons exist to keep society safer. But to fight crime as effectively as possible, prisons must do more than just incapacitate criminals for the length of their sentence; they must ensure that when they leave jail they do not offend again.
23 Oct 2016
A Matter of Conviction: A Blueprint for Community-Based Rehabilitative prisons sets out a blueprint for reform for the prison system in England and Wales.
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