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Fellowship news
15 Jul 2016
‘WeLearnLocal’ is leading a major skill-sharing initiative supported by Coventry University Social Enterprise, Coventry Libraries Service and City College Coventry.
08 Jun 2016
Last year, RSA Fellow Ali Golding received a small Catalyst grant to progress the development of The MovementWorks Project. Read more about what's changed for the organisation since and the impact the work is having.
06 Jun 2016
RSA Fellows are invited to help celebrate the work of these new Fellows at their degree show in Plymouth.
23 May 2016
RSA Fellows are invited to attend the opening night of REVEAL 2016 - Northumbria University’s Degree Show for creative programmes. There will also be a meetup for Fellows wishing to adjourn for a convivial discussion.
18 May 2016
Join Susannah Tresilian for a two-week programme under the umbrella 'theatre to inspire change'as part of Nottingham's NEAT16 Festival.
17 May 2016
Rebecca Hanson FRSA has developed training for teachers which is enabling them to successfully teach every concept on the new primary maths curriculum to all their pupils.
16 May 2016
Just launched by Gul Inanc FRSA, Open Universities for Refugees is a new initiative aiming to meet the higher educational needs of communities in protracted refugee/displacement situations globally.
An exploration of best practice in light of Professor Donaldson's report: Successful Futures in Wales.
11 May 2016
To give Fellows another opportunity to engage with new people and ideas, the RSA has recently established a partnership with the British Science Association (BSA).
28 Apr 2016
Green Schools Project is an exciting new student-led programme that helps schools to go Green. Find out how you can get involved.
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