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27 Oct 2015
Anthony Painter
Anthony Painter considers what it will take for us to combine civic energy and social justice as the drive towards devolution gathers pace.
23 Oct 2015
Charlotte Alldritt
We need to restore political connectivity and build a genuine link between people and their systems of governance, argues Charlotte Alldritt.
19 Oct 2015
Clare Devaney
In November 2015, the RSA and HLF will co-host Heritage Question Time panel debates in Bristol and Greater Manchester. Join the debate!
18 Oct 2015
Jocelyn Cunningham
What are platforms for collaboration and why are they important? RSA Associate Jocelyn Cunningham considers why creativity and collaboration are necessary bedfellows.
16 Oct 2015
Rowan Conway
How do you design for lasting social benefits from big events? Rowan Conway reports back from a recent trip to Japan, which is in the early stages of planning for the Tokyo 2020.
01 Oct 2015
Atif Shafique
Given the scale of the challenges we face, only by collaborating effectively can public services support and strengthen communities. But how do we bring people together?
28 Sep 2015
Paul Dietrich
Paul Dietrich FRSA explains how Peckham Coal Line plans to empower local residents in SE15, building a park but also the local community.
22 Sep 2015
Keith Harrison Broninski
There are several reasons why a more collaborative model could enable councils to save money on public services, but crucial this strategy is addressing the issue of digital exclusion.
15 Sep 2015
Steve Bodycomb
How language can to used to help or hinder a person's recovery journey from substance and alcohol misuse
14 Sep 2015
Keith Harrison Broninski profile
Complex collaboration across a community can make our public services more proactive and reduce pressure on the public purse, but how do we get there?
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