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15 Jul 2019
Richard Brophy
Richard Brophy FRSA on why Openreach are working with the RSA to create Cities of Learning and the exciting combination of digital and real-world learning.
22 Feb 2019
Anthony Painter
How place based leadership has evolved as national politics faces gridlock.
13 Nov 2018
Rosie Clayton
The RSA & Digitalme’s Cities of Learning programme has been recognised in their 2019 Collection as one of the most promising ideas in education. In this blog Rosie Clayton explains the Cities of Learning model, vision and aims.
03 Oct 2016
Matthew Taylor
Could your region, city or town embrace the spirit of Kensalfield? Matthew Taylor introduces the RSA's third Power to Create paper, A Place for Learning.
14 May 2015
Anthony Painter explains the key research and findings of our first Power to Create paper - The new digital learning age: how we can enable social mobility through technology.
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