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30 Nov 2022
Tom Stratton Chris Murray
To meet the greatest global challenges, we must harness the potential of our cities
09 Jun 2020
Tom Kenyon
An increase in unemployment will make gaining new skills more important than ever. To make re-skilling work during social distancing, we’ll need to learn to recognise learning wherever it happens.
30 May 2019
Olivia Finn
Young people growing up in London today are faced with a paradox that defines many of the world’s most prosperous cities.
30 Apr 2019
Tim Riches
We need to reimagine the whole city as a learning campus, where education happens throughout a life-long learning journey.
13 Nov 2018
Rosie Clayton
The RSA & Digitalme’s Cities of Learning programme has been recognised in their 2019 Collection as one of the most promising ideas in education. In this blog Rosie Clayton explains the Cities of Learning model, vision and aims.
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