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14 Jun 2018
Anthony Painter
Anthony Painter argues that instead of trying patch up a fundamentally flawed welfare system, we now need revolutionary change leading towards a Universal Basic Income and other major reforms.
06 Dec 2017
Charlie Young
Most wouldn’t peg Margaret Thatcher for a basic income enthusiast. But, Charlie Young says, she instituted a policy that broke the mould of her traditional ‘small state’ world view
09 Nov 2017
Anthony Painter considers the political economy of the past two decades and considers whether we may be heading for a long stagnation and concludes that without concerted action we may be.
16 Oct 2017
The social contract between citizen, state and market is failing. The challenge is to design a new social contract that enables adaptation, argues Anthony Painter.
11 Jul 2017
Anthony Painter argues that the Taylor Review is the start of a fundamental shift in our national political priorities.
20 Jun 2017
Jake Thorold
New statistics show that insecure jobs in decline. But does this tell the whole story?
03 Jan 2017
Anthony Painter explores the development of the case for a Universal Basic Income throughout 2016 and what the prospects and challenges might be for 2017.
28 Dec 2016
Tony Greenham
The government is right to refresh the economic rules of the game in industrial policy, employment practices and corporate governance, but that success will rest on treating all three areas as interdependent.
02 Nov 2016
Ken Loach's brutal film presents an entirely plausible picture of a dysfunctional welfare system. What would be different under Basic Income?
14 Jul 2016
The work-place is increasingly harmful to well-being, security and individual control and agency. We need some radical new thinking, argues Anthony Painter.
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