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19 Jul 2018
Ed Cox
Ed Cox argues why we need a National Citizen's Jury on Brexit.
03 May 2018
Anthony Painter
Anthony Painter explores what the local elections say about the state of British politics and what that means for our ability to confront common challenges.
19 Dec 2017
Reema Patel
Reema Patel argues that creating and renewing spaces for the cultivation of a common citizenship as well as for citizen deliberation is essential in response to the global legitimacy crisis that we are experiencing.
18 Dec 2017
Anthony Painter takes an overview of the year, its challenges and tensions, and what our mission for 2018 should be.
30 Oct 2017
Kayshani Gibbon
The Citizens' Economic Council team submitted evidence to the Select Committee on Civic Engagement and Citizenship - read our thoughts and recommendations.
15 Jun 2017
Kenny McCarthy
For the final challenge of the Citizens’ Economic Council, we’re crowdsourcing your ideas on how we can shift the incentives within our economy to meet the needs of tomorrow.
18 May 2017
The idea that representative democracy, when left to its own devices, is coming up with the best outcomes is not convincing, argues Anthony Painter.
13 Dec 2016
Tony Greenham
Fake news doesn’t swing elections, but neither does ‘truth’. We have always filtered new information to fit our existing prejudices. The real danger to our democracy is not an absence of truth, but an absence of trust.
10 Nov 2016
In the second Economic Inclusion Roadshow workshop as part of the Citizens' Economic Council programme, we explore what homecare workers think of the economy.
04 Nov 2016
Tom Harrison Reema Patel
Pricewaterhouse Coopers and BritainThinks ran citizen juries at the recent Labour Party conference in Liverpool and Conservative Party conference in Birmingham. Here the RSA Citizens’ Economic Council and RSA Inclusive Growth Commission consider these deliberations and what it means for how we think about devolution and the importance of citizen engagement.
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