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02 Apr 2020
Tom MacMillan
We’re starting to gather evidence on community responses to the pandemic, to help shape post-crisis policy. If you are too, let’s team up.
17 Dec 2018
Sam Grinsted
Sam Grinstead shares insights from his leg on the Food, Farming & Countryside Commission bike tour in Monmouthshire and Powys
21 Sep 2018
Tom Levitt
“A rich, well-to-do rural county”: Tom Levitt breaks through outside perceptions during his time on the FFCC bike tour in Cheshire
18 Jul 2018
Katie Arthur
From Fife to the Isle of Bute, Katie Arthur recounts what she learned from her leg of the FFCC bike tour.
01 Nov 2017
Sir Ian Cheshire
The work of the RSA Food, Farming and Countryside Commission will go to the heart of who we are and who we want to be: as individuals, households, and communities.
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