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20 May 2019
Ian Burbidge
A report by Human Rights Watch illustrates the impact of a system based on conditionality.
16 May 2019
Ian Burbidge Aima Ahmed
Three examples of how a basic income could help people take control of their futures.
08 Mar 2019
Hannah Webster
Hannah Webster asks if a Basic Income could offer a feminist vision of the welfare state.
10 Oct 2017
Anna Dent
Previously an idea very much at the margins of politics and policy debates, basic income has recently enjoyed a steep rise in popularity. But how and why has this occurred, and what has led a growing number of countries to invest in basic income experiments?
04 Jul 2017
Jake Thorold
Alaska gives all residents over $2000 per year, no questions asked. New survey data suggests this leads to big social benefits. We should be thinking more seriously about Universal Basic Income in the UK.
16 Dec 2015
Anthony Painter
Anthony Painter outlines the case made in our latest report for introducing Basic Income in the UK and how it could work in practice.
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