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10 May 2019
Fabian Wallace-Stephens
Data is currency in the gig economy. Workers deserve a right to their data.
11 Jul 2017
Brhmie Balaram
Brhmie Balaram offers 3 points to keep in mind as we work to ensure a level playing field for both workers and businesses while also serving the public's best interests.
10 Jul 2017
Matthew Taylor
The Taylor Review calls on the Government to adopt the ambition that all work should be fair and decent with scope for fulfilment and development. Matthew Taylor's full speech from the launch event.
29 Jun 2017
Brhmie Balaram argues that Uber is a product of an unhealthy ecosystem and we all have a part to play in restoring a sense of balance.
26 Apr 2017
There are now an estimated 1.1 million people in Britain’s gig economy, which is nearly as many workers as in the National Health Service (NHS) England. Brhmie Balaram introduces our latest report into the gig economy.
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