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15 Dec 2015
Educationalist Carol Dweck explains her research into fixed and growth mindsets and how each affects our ability to progress and handle adversity.
24 Oct 2011
Renowned psychiatrist and writer Iain McGilchrist explains how our 'divided brain' has profoundly altered human behaviour, culture and society.
30 Jun 2011
Professor Renata Salecl explores the paralysing anxiety and dissatisfaction surrounding limitless choice. Does the freedom to be the architects of our own lives actually hinder rather than help us?
17 Feb 2011
Steven Pinker shows us how the mind turns the finite building blocks of language into infinite meanings.
14 Oct 2010
RSA Animate taken from a speech given at the RSA by Sir Ken Robinson, world-renowned education expert and recipient of the RSA Benjamin Franklin award.
24 May 2010
In this ten-minute RSA Animate, Professor Philip Zimbardo reveals how our individual perspective on time affects our work, health and well-being.
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