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Watch videos from our award-winning RSA Animates and RSA Shorts animation series.
Showing 1 to 8 of 8 results
24 May 2021
RSA chief executive Matthew Taylor shows how core human needs and motivations interact with social forces to shape and drive the dynamics of change.
25 Feb 2019
This animation shines a light on those quirks of our psychology that make it hard to change our (and other people’s!) behaviour. Bestselling author Gretchen Rubin explains the four personality ‘tendencies’ and their respective strengths and weaknesses.
30 May 2017
Renowned social psychologist Jonathan Haidt shares a shocking personal example of confirmation bias on social media, and shows just how vital it is for us to open up and absorb ideas from across the political spectrum.
18 Nov 2014
What should we teach our children, and what important information should all adults have at their disposal? Legendary QI producer John Lloyd turns his curiosity to knowledge itself, and questions whether intelligence is really all it's cracked up to be.
14 Sep 2012
In this RSA Animate, Dan Ariely explores the circumstances under which someone would lie and what effect deception has on society at large.
22 May 2012
In this RSA Animate, Manuel Lima explores the power of network visualisation to navigate our complex modern world.
02 Feb 2010
Are we really as altruistic as we might like to think? In the RSA's new animation series, we put into pictures Steven Levitt and Stephen Dubner's case for re-evaluating the evidence.
22 Jan 2010
This RSA Animate based on Matthew Taylor's lecture on the area explores how brain and behaviour research is increasingly being incorporated into political and policy debate.
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