Regenerative learning: making the shift - RSA

Regenerative learning: making the shift

Public talks / Video / Online

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Online via Zoom Webinar

  • Education
  • Health & wellbeing
  • Environment

Are our current systems of education equipping our young people with the future-proof capabilities and mindsets they need to lead flourishing lives on a flourishing planet in the century ahead?

The dominant global educational system was designed to meet the needs of the Industrial Age - an age of mass production and consumption which has brought us to today's multifaceted ecological, economic and social tipping points.

There is now growing awareness that we need to learn a new way of living and working in harmony with each other, as well as the natural world - and that needs to start at the earliest stages of education, and continue across the life-course.

Fortunately, we don't need to reinvent the wheel - there are beacons of light across the educational establishment that signal other ways of learning - imaginative and learner-led experiential and holistic systems that can help us towards developing truly regenerative cultures and economies, rooted in the care and nurture of both people and planet.

Join Satish Kumar, a guiding spirit of internationally respected ecological and educational movements for change for over 50 years, and a panel of innovative educators at the RSA to discover powerful new ways in which we can begin to make real progress, through education, towards a more resilient, rebalanced and regenerative world for all.

*Please note this event is online only via Zoom - please register for a ticket to access this event*

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