Fellowship Events
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18 Mar 2016
Paul Morrell OBE explores a range of challenges facing the built environment professions and the need for adaptability at a time of marked institutional, technological and social evolution.
12 Feb 2016
Justin Forsyth, chief executive of Save the Children visits the RSA to talk about creating a 21st century charity.
08 Dec 2015
Nobel economist Robert Shiller reveals how manipulation and deception are integral to how markets function – they are designed to systematically exploit our psychological weaknesses and ignorance. So what can help arm us against these tricks and traps?
14 Jul 2015
Law professor Frank Pasquale argues that the regulation and transparency of big data should be at the heart of our concerns as a society.
19 Jun 2015
Steve Hilton offers the latest research from all over the world, across industry, politics, education, design and social action, to show us what can happen when we make our world more human.
24 Apr 2015
Voter frustration with politics has been growing for years. Maverick MP Zac Goldsmith visits the RSA to ask - is it time for a shift towards a more direct democracy?
31 Mar 2015
Dr Jennifer Dixon, Chief Executive of the Health Foundation, will set the scene giving her take on how politicians can support a high quality NHS.
08 Dec 2014
Francis Maude MP is Minister for the Cabinet Office and Paymaster General
14 Oct 2014
Renowned public thinker Cass Sunstein defends his groundbreaking nudge theory. When the state seeks to influence our choices in “our best interests” is this liberty-infringing meddling, or simply good government?
06 Aug 2014
Lynda Gratton is an organisational change expert
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