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23 Aug 2016
Policy adviser Tom Gash dispels some of the most persistent myths around crime.
10 Apr 2016
Founder and president of the Public Banking Institute, Ellen Brown, argues we can recapture the sovereign power to create money by reclaiming ownership of the banks.
15 Dec 2015
This event brought together a panel of experts, from treatment providers to recovery champions to researchers, to discuss how to meet the challenges currently facing the recovery sector.
04 Dec 2015
Andrea Siodmok, head of the Cabinet Office Policy Lab explores the how design is helping government think differently about future policy.
17 Nov 2015
When it comes to our health, we are a nation that buries its head in the sand. We’re all living longer, and with chronic and lifestyle diseases on the rise, how do we motivate people to care more about their own health and make better choices?
03 Nov 2015
Renowned behavioural scientist and No 10 'nudge' guru David Halpern discusses how minor tweaks can have a huge effect in the world of decision-making.
05 Oct 2015
Our panel of experts and commentators as they discuss what is to be done about the largest wave of mass-migration in Europe since WWII.
29 Apr 2015
A panel of experts gather in advance of the general election to discuss potential outcomes and post-election landscapes. Featuring popular political commentators Janan Ganesh, Miranda Green and Tim Bale.
31 Mar 2015
Dr Jennifer Dixon, Chief Executive of the Health Foundation, will set the scene giving her take on how politicians can support a high quality NHS.
13 Nov 2014
Sir John Elvidge, former Permanent Secretary to the Scottish Government, visits the RSA to explore how the state can improve public services and wellbeing by harnessing the strengths of its citizens, and devolving power to communities.
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