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Public talks / Video / Online
03 Mar 2022
How should we understand the turbulent age we’re living through? Professor Helen Thompson examines the geopolitical, domestic, and economic histories of the current moment, and what we can learn from the challenges of today.
11 Jun 2021
As nation-states grapple with generation-defining issues from the Covid-19 pandemic to the climate crisis, what role does civil society play in addressing the issues of our time?
16 Apr 2021
The 2021 Albert Medal Event
17 Sep 2018
Do modern economies reward the extractors – not the creators – of economic value? Leading economist Mariana Mazzucato urges us to rethink how we determine value in our economy.
20 Nov 2017
Former Leader of the Liberal Party of Canada, Michael Ignatieff asks whether or not the principle of human rights is becoming a global ethic, or the preserve of a liberal economic elite.
18 Jul 2017
How can we effect real change in the world? Duncan Green brings together the best research from a range of academic disciplines and the evolving practical understanding of activists to explore the topic of social and political change.
27 Feb 2017
We are living in an age of anger: from American 'shooters' and ISIS to Trump, from a rise in vengeful nationalism across the world to racism and misogyny on social media. Pankaj Mishra discusses how and why we got to this point.
30 Dec 2016
Historian and author of The Silk Roads Peter Frankopan; academic and cultural critic Sarah Churchwell and political scientist Matthew Goodwin reflect on what has been a turbulent year in national and international political, social and cultural events.
28 Nov 2016
Our expert panel considers what a Trump presidency says about, and means for America and the world in the days, months and years to come.
29 Aug 2016
Leading global strategist Parag Khanna shows how connectivity, rather than sovereignty, has become the organising principle of 21st century society.
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