Our videos
RDI Address 2024
We award the title ‘Royal Designer for Industry’ annually to designers of all disciplines who have achieved sustained design excellence, work of aesthetic value, and significant benefit to society.
Public talks
Unlocking civic voice
Join our expert panel to hear impactful insights and experiences from community-led projects. Discover how these initiatives have empowered citizens to speak up for their communities and shape their shared future.
CEO Lecture: counting the cost of bowling alone
In his annual RSA Chief Executive’s Lecture, Andy Haldane examines the profound socio-economic consequences of eroding social capital, a theme famously explored by Harvard political scientist Bob Putnam in Bowling Alone.
Public talks
How to save our economy and democracy
ITV political editor Robert Peston looks at how our economics, society and politics went bust. And asks: can we abandon fatalism, and find new ways to rebuild prosperity, solidarity and purpose?
How to fix parliament
Drawing on his recent experience as Chair of the Parliamentary Standards Committee, Sir Chris Bryant MP explores what has gone wrong in parliamentary politics in the UK and how we can fix it.
Civil unrest? The civil service in an era of change
Our expert panel offer a striking insider view into the current state of civil service culture, structure and operations and ask how might we embed positive change in the Whitehall machine.
Public talks
Why learning to fail can teach us to thrive
Amy Edmondson, professor of leadership at Harvard Business School and the world’s leading expert in the science of psychological safety, offers a practical guide to ‘intelligent failure’.
Public talks
The future of the House of Lords
The Lord Speaker of the House of Lords, Lord McFall of Alcluith, will discuss options for reform of Parliament’s Upper House, to enhance the effectiveness of its work of scrutiny and revision of legislation.