Loneliness and the power of connection | Vivek Murthy
19 May 2023Animations / Shorts
If you are lonely, if you’ve ever been lonely, you are not alone.
Loneliness is extraordinarily common. It is a universal part of the human experience – a natural signal like hunger or thirst that our body sends us when we lack something that we need for our survival, which is social connection.
In this RSA Short, US Surgeon General Vivek Murthy explains how we can get better at spotting the signs of loneliness in people around us, and the simple steps we can all take to building a more connected society, and a more connected life.
Speaker:Dr Vivek Murthy, 21st Surgeon General of the United States
How did tech firms, born out of an idealistic, innovative vision, become greedy, intrusive, and excessively powerful? Economic analyst Rana Foroohar reveals how Big Tech betrayed us by selling our data without sharing the wealth.
In this thought-provoking new RSA Short, tech ethicist James Williams warns that digital distraction is no longer just a minor annoyance but a real and present threat to human freedom and autonomy.
This animation shines a light on those quirks of our psychology that make it hard to change our (and other people’s!) behaviour. Bestselling author Gretchen Rubin explains the four personality ‘tendencies’ and their respective strengths and weaknesses.