The debate around whether we should eat animals has historically been the domain of an ethically minded minority, but with the recent surge in vegetarianism and veganism, it is now posed every day on restaurant menus, on supermarket shelves and at the family dinner table.

This dietary shift has re-awoken age-old questions, concerns and contradictions surrounding the place of meat in our diet. How should we align our love for animals with their place on our plates? Is there an ethical way to eat meat? What impact does our appetite for meat have on the planet, the animals we consume, and the humans involved in rearing and slaughtering?

Expert in the many complexities of the meat paradox, Rob Percival examines the politics of meat from hunter-gatherer origins to the industrial scale of modern consumption to consider the psychology of our dietary choices and what role meat should play in our future diet. 

Want to watch this event at RSA House?

For those wishing to gather with friends or colleagues to watch in-person, this event will be live-streamed on The Steps in The Coffee House on the day of the event from 13:00. 

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