RSA Reinventing Work Network: Distributed Leadership and the Future of Work, 12 Sept - RSA

Reinventing Work Network: Distributed Leadership and the Future of Work

Fellowship events


The Romney Room, RSA House

  • Future of Work
  • Economics and Finance
  • Employment
  • Institutional reform
  • Fellowship
  • Leadership

Following the successful launch of our new format in July, the RWN is pleased to invite you to our September event: Distributed Leadership and the Future of Work.

We will be exploring how we can build on the Taylor report and use ideas from teal to build a better, fairer, and more productive work environment.

Join us at RSA House from 6.00pm for networking. The meeting will start at 6.45pm promptly with introductions from new RWN members and an ‘Ask & Tell’ session focused on the future of work. See you all there!

Any questions, please contact Network Lead François Moscovici FRSA[email protected].

If you have any access requirements or require any reasonable adjustments, please let the team know: [email protected]. Please also let us know if you have any dietary requirements or severe allergies.

Location: The Romney Room, RSA House, 8 John Adam Street, London, WC2N 6EZ


Inspired by Frederic Laloux’s book Reinventing Organisations, The Reinventing Work Network is about distributed leadership, a focus on purpose and an invitation to wholeness at work. They are exploring the developing organisational forms that support these goals (called “teal” by Laloux), learning about what’s being done, and inviting the practical adoption of these approaches by RSA Fellows, their organisations, and the RSA.
You might have heard RSA talks by Laloux or by Jos de Blok, whose Dutch home-nursing group Buurtzorg is a standard-bearer for the movement. Buurtzorg is structured so that nurses organise themselves. They have no “managers”, and have cut costs to the health service by 40 percent, while improving quality of care and employee satisfaction.
The Reinventing Work network is a gathering-place for people who are leading their organisations towards “teal”, supporting change as consultants, or seeking to inspire change within their own organisations.
Take a look at the Network's Starter Pack for more context and information. 

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