RSA ANZ Online Event: Closing the Gender Gap - RSA

RSA ANZ Online Event: Closing the Gender Gap

Fellowship events


Zoom / Online

  • Leadership
  • Social justice

Join RSA Fellows in Australia, New Zealand and elsewhere for the next in our series of online events.

2017 marked a watershed moment in the conversation about women's rights.

Fueled by allegations of pervasive sexual discrimination, the #MeToo and TIME'S UP campaigns sparked a global social movement, amplifying women's voices and highlighting the need for a renewed focus on gender equality.

In recent decades, significant progress has been made to reduce gender disparity, in Australia, New Zealand and internationally, and to improve women's economic opportunity and participation. At universities, in boardrooms and in government, a growing number of women have taken on leadership roles, forging pathways for other women and girls to follow.

However, incorrect assumptions are being made about the progress of gender equality.

In Australia, closing the "gender gap" remains a stubbornly elusive prospect. According to the Australian Human Rights Commissions' latest findings, women continue to perform the majority of unpaid care work, and are over-represented as part-time workers in low-paid industries and insecure work. Huge discrepancies in superannuation also mean that women are more likely to experience poverty, housing stress and homelessness in retirement.

In this interactive online discussion hosted by RSA ANZ, we explore the barriers to gender equality and look at why women's rights should be on everyone's agenda.

This event will be held at:

  • 6:00 pm – 7:30 pm AEST
  • 9:00am – 10:30am BST

Joining instructions will be sent to attendees upon registration. Please direct any questions about this event to [email protected]