RSA Online: Updating the Heritage Index - RSA

RSA Online: Updating the Heritage Index

Fellowship events


Online via Zoom (timing of event is in GMT)

  • Heritage

Join us for an online interactive discussion about the RSA’s two new projects around heritage: the first investigating the relationship between heritage and inclusive growth, and the second updating the RSA’s Heritage Index, which was last published in 2016.

The RSA’s project on heritage and inclusive growth, in collaboration with the British Council, is developing and testing an ecosystem framework that outlines how tangible and intangible heritage assets can deliver inclusive and sustainable social and economic outcomes at a local level.

The RSA Heritage Index is a UK-wide resource on heritage activities and assets at the local level, which was last published in 2016. The Index collates over 100 measures from participation in heritage activities to local funding, built environment assets and more. This year, the RSA is refreshing the Heritage Index to both update the data for 2020, and to explore further the relationship between heritage, inclusive growth and place.

These projects bring together a rich history of heritage work at the RSA, to which the RSA Fellow-led Heritage Network and the Heritage Champions have significantly contributed and continue to play a crucial part.

In this online workshop, RSA researchers Becca Antink and Hannah Webster will share more information about our work in this space, ask for your thoughts on our insights so far and explore with you how we can develop the projects.


Please note: the event will be split into two parts.

13:00 – 13:45: In the first section, Becca and Hannah will provide an overview of these projects and invite your perspectives and suggestions. This section is open to all with an interest in heritage.

13:45 – 14:30: The second section will be focused specifically on gaining feedback on previous iterations of the Heritage Index and your hopes for the next iteration. Please stay for this part of the event if you use the Heritage Index in your work.


Taking part in the event

This workshop is taking place online using Zoom, a user-friendly online event platform. You need to register for a ticket to receive the bespoke link to join. You will be sent detailed, step-by-step instructions via email closer to the event.

Please ensure you have a computer/tablet/phone with a camera and a headset with microphone and earphones.

If you have any questions, or to let us know of any access requirements or reasonable adjustments you require, please email: [email protected].

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