All Together Now - RSA

All Together Now

Fellowship events


Online via Zoom

  • Fellowship
  • Fellowship in Action
  • Social innovation

RSA Tees Valley Network invites all RSA North Fellows, with friends from Scotland, to a pan-Northern event, looking ahead to the new year.

As we continue to connect online, learn about, and join current initiatives and projects from across the region. We also ask what would you like to see happen in 2021, in the northern RSA context? And how would you like to be involved, wherever you are located in the North?

We pay tribute to those we lost in 2020, notably beloved broadcaster Julie Donaldson, our RSA Women of Achievement speaker last year, taken by COVID in 2020 aged 50.

Especially in 2021 we look to the next generation, working together with and for young people. Last year we began the RSA Young Democracy project in Tees Valley, uniting schools, RSA Fellows and staff. There were exciting developments through a difficult 2020, including a complementary project developed by RSA Scotland Fellows, in association with Fellows from the north of England, a project which also aims for links to COP26, the UN climate conference in Glasgow. Hear the latest, and get involved now, wherever you live across the northern region, or over the Border.

Hear updates and learn more about local RSA Fellow-led initiatives, such as the Heartbreak Hill project or Engineering Together - a venture with a strong focus on sustainability and the next generation. Also, there will be a brief introduction to current RSA Programme activity, such as Future of Work and Regenerative Futures, as well as the very practical Future Change Framework, already in use by organisations around the country as we all move to build better.

Let's come together for an active and (more) enjoyable 2021, facing our concerns with imagination and drive, working across the generations on Teesside and through north Britain toward a future that works for everyone.