RSA Newcastle Network Encounter: Galapagos - a unique ecosystem - RSA

RSA Newcastle Network: Galapagos - a unique ecosystem

Fellowship events

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  • Climate change
  • People & place
  • Environment

Join us for this month's RSA Newcastle Network Encounter, where we'll hear from Pamela Denham FRSA on the unique ecosystem of the Galapagos Islands.

Last year, COP26 in Glasgow made some progress towards getting firm commitments towards limiting climate change. This year, UN plans for setting biodiversity targets are being developed for consideration in Kunming in April.

In this online Encounter, Pamela Denham FRSA will illustrate some of the issues under discussion by looking at the impact of human activity on the isolated Galapagos Archipelago, and what is being done to conserve the unique ecosystem.

She will examine:

  • The origins of the archipelago and its ecosystem
  • The arrival of humans in the 16th century, and what happened next
  • The recognition in the 21st century of the impact of humans and what is being done to mitigate that impact

Pamela does not claim to be an expert, but an interested lay person who visited for two weeks over New Year 2014/15. She wanted to learn, but not all visitors do. Should she have gone? She didn’t appreciate the scale and effects of human activity before she went. She does now and wants to make amends by talking about it. This is a personal view and contributions from others in the audience, who may be more expert than she is, will be welcomed!

The event is free to attend and open to all, Fellows and non-Fellows. We hope you can join us!

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