Northern Coffeehouse: Tadcrafters - RSA

Northern Coffeehouse: Tadcrafters

Fellowship events

 -  | GMT Standard Time


  • Making
  • Communities
  • Arts and society
  • Fellowship

Inspired by the RSA’s origin in an enlightenment coffeehouse over 250 years ago, our new Northern Coffeehouse series offers an interactive space to share ideas for social change.

Join us most Fridays for an informal lunchtime talk followed by a chance to discuss the topic of the day or anything else that is on your mind, in small breakout rooms. Starting at 1pm and finished by 1.45pm, you can enjoy your Friday lunch break with inspiring speakers and interesting colleagues.

On 4 March we’re joined by Su Morgan from the Tadcrafters social enterprise. Tadcrafters, originally called “Bunting For Tadcaster”, was set up after the small Yorkshire town was devastated by floods and collapse of its bridge over Christmas 2015. The community spirit in the following days was amazing with many people spending their holiday helping total strangers clear out their mud-soaked homes and shops.

Tadcrafters now support a wide range of charities and worthy causes whilst helping people to learn new craft skills and develop a social network of people in and around Tadcaster. The items the group makes are mainly made from recycled donations of fabric, yarn, haberdashery and wood which are provided by local people and businesses.