The future of Caring: Norwich Good Economy Commission - RSA

The future of Caring: Norwich Good Economy Commission


 -  | BST British Summer Time


  • Social brain
  • Public Services & Communities
  • Health & wellbeing

The Future of Caring in Norwich, a City that sees caring for each other as a design principle for living and working

This online discussion is for anyone who is interested in caring and how it connects to our broader patterns of living and working. It is an invitation to participate in a conversation about how the system for caring is and isn’t functioning at the moment, and how we might think, talk and start to build interest in a more intentionally connected system.

The Norwich Good Economy Commission was set up to look for insights into the present and future systems for environmental, social and economic inclusion. The ‘Future for Caring’ strand listened to the experiences of people who are intensely involved in caring for and with others in Norwich and the report details the limitations of a system that views caring as a side issue to how we all live and work.

We will hear the experiences shared in the report for the Norwich Good Economy Commission (Esmee Wilcox, Socially Adept, report author), and to hear about where, how and why other places in the UK and elsewhere have started work on a better system for caring (Ruth Hannan, RSA, Joint Head of the People and Places Programme). We will also discuss the issues raised in small groups.

At this open conversation, we are inviting residents and others with a connection to Norfolk and Norwich. We welcome those who have direct experiences and people who are interested in thinking about the connections across a range of related spheres such as urban design, transport, and the arts, that influence how we live and work in Norwich.

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