Rachel Holliday, CEO and founder of Time to Change (West Cumbria) Project CIC is hosting an RSA event to bring Fellows in Cumbria together.
Based at their Building, Unit B4 Haig Enterprise Park Whitehaven CA28 9AN, Rachel will share the story of how an old police station is now used to turn the lives around of homeless people in West Cumbria.
An exciting networking event to find out more about Time to Change West Cumbria and meet other Cumbrian Fellows. The event is free to members but donations towards Calderwood House Homeless Hostel gratefully accepted.
Taking part in RSA in-person events
To participate in this event, you will need to register for a ticket for capacity purposes. We encourage all attendees who are ill or showing symptoms of illness to stay home and cancel their tickets if they are no longer able to join us.
If you have any questions, or to let us know of any access requirements or reasonable adjustments you require, please email [email protected].
By registering for this event, you consent to receive communications about this event, both before and after, and you agree to the sharing of your name, organisation and title with the Fellow(s) and/or partner organisation(s) hosting this event. Attendees also agree to the sharing of their name and organisation with other delegates at the event so that they might contact you through MyRSA. If you do not wish this information to be shared, please let us know by emailing [email protected].
The information you provide when registering for an event will be retained by the RSA and will be used to record attendance at the event. To understand more about how the RSA uses your data, please see our privacy policy.
Please be aware that registrations will close two hours before the event is due to start.