Inclusive Growth: New Approaches for Skills, Productivity and Labour Markets - RSA

Inclusive Growth: New Approaches for Skills, Productivity and Labour Markets

Research & Impact Event



This will be the second seminar of the RSA Inclusive Growth Commission, a year-long inquiry into how local economies can drive growth, productivity and prosperity through greater economic inclusivity. The Commission is a successor to the influential RSA City Growth Commission and is chaired by Stephanie Flanders, JP Morgan Chief Market Strategist (UK and Europe) and former BBC Economics Editor.

The seminar will bring together key people to examine how new approaches to skills and labour markets might drive growth and productivity alongside greater inclusion and participation in local economies. The issue goes to the heart of our work at the Inclusive Growth Commission.

We will be exploring questions such as:

  • What levers cities have to make labour markets more inclusive, and how effective these are for improving local economic opportunities, prosperity and growth?

  • What is the relationship between productivity and wage growth in a reviving city region?

  • How might technology change impact on employment and wages over the longer term?

  • Should we be concentrating first on the skills - or the jobs that would use them?

  • Where around the UK or the world are cities successfully bringing jobs and skills together to spread prosperity?

  • How might labour markets in big cities work better for people in the periphery and in smaller towns nearby?

  • What other powers or financing flexibilities might allow cities to shape better and more cost-effective skills provision? 

Find out more about the Inclusive Growth Commission
Read the prospectus of inquiry online (via Medium).

If you are interested in participating in the roundtable please contact: [email protected]

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