From exclusion to inclusion - RSA event - RSA

From exclusion to inclusion

Research & Impact Event

 -  | GMT Standard Time


  • Education and learning

Join us as we share learnings from three years of our project Preventing school exclusions: Discovering commonalities in inclusive multi-agency efforts to tackle exclusions.

During this event, you'll have the opportunity to listen to collaboratives operating in three different localities across England, who are actively testing innovative approaches to prevent school exclusions through cross-sector and inter-organisational collaboration.

The discussion will delve into the emerging commonalities in effective multi-agency efforts to address challenging issues such as school exclusions. Furthermore, this event will examine the potential applicability of these lessons in different regions and for addressing similarly intricate problems. Lastly, you will gain insights into how this work aligns with the RSA's broader Design for Life mission.

Meet the panel

We are delighted to have Iona Wooderson, Jenny Griffiths, Phil Arnold and Anna Day FRSA join us.

Iona Wooderson

Iona is a Senior Manager in the Education Division of East Sussex County Council, managing services that support schools with inclusive practice. Iona was previously a teacher and manager in special schools and mainstream primary schools. She has a Masters in Professional Studies in Education, specialising in Severe Learning Difficulties.

Jenny Griffiths

Jenny joined the Centre for Education and Youth in January 2024 as the Head of Research, securing, designing and delivering a wide range of research and evaluation projects. She has a particular interest in how research and practice intersect in order to tackle educational inequalities, and writes regularly on these issues. She also has ten years’ experience teaching and leading in London schools.

Phil Arnold

Phil was previously Executive Head and then AD for SEMH at the New Bridge Group, in Oldham. Phil has been part of the Oldham collaborative since the start of the Preventing school exclusions project. He is now Director of the Great Northern Impact Hub, where among other things he is supporting DISC: a new digital and creative provision for neurodivergent young people in Manchester and is also exploring the use of AI in inclusive education.

Anna Day FRSA

Anna Day FRSA is the Regional Collaborative Adviser for Worcestershire and has two decades of experience managing collaborative working as both a CEO and working in national education development, to prevent social exclusion and improve children and young peoples' outcomes, she has been working on the Preventing school exclusions project as a coach for collaboration since September.

Taking part in online events

For our interactive online events, the RSA uses the platform Zoom. It may be necessary to follow a short set-up process. To understand how Zoom uses your data, please read their privacy policy.

Zoom call joining details will be sent via email in advance of the event.

If you have any access requirements or require any reasonable adjustments to support your participation, please let the team know by emailing: [email protected].

We sometimes record our online RSA Fellowship events for learning purposes, publicity and/or public viewing. By attending this event, you accept that you may appear in RSA videos, audio or images as an attendee of this event.

Preventing school exclusions

Our research in school exclusions brought together three localities across England - East Sussex, Oldham and Worcestershire - to facilitate greater multiagency collaboration to make local education systems more inclusive and reduce preventable exclusions.

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