Stephen Tierney
Chair, Headteacher’s Roundtable
Stephen was headteacher of an 11-18 school, St. Mary’s Catholic Academy, for 13 years before becoming the Executive Headteacher of the school and a one-form entry primary school, Christ the King Catholic Academy. He helped lead the formation of a multi-academy trust that includes both these schools and another primary school, St. Cuthbert’s Catholic Academy. Working in Blackpool he was rooted in the practicalities of leaders’ daily lives.
Prior to this he was a deputy headteacher with responsibility for curriculum, teaching and learning and previously a head of science. He has extensive experience within the 11-18 age range and is increasingly knowledgeable about a range of issues affecting primary schools and their leaders. The issue of enhanced transition across phases was a key focus for him. At the heart of his work is the professional development of teachers and leaders.
Recently retired, he is still working nationally as Chair of the Headteachers’ RoundTable where he primarily focuses on the changes required to the current accountability system. He regularly speaks at events about leadership and people development, as well as schools’ core business of teaching, assessment & learning. He is a course tutor on the National College of Education’s Northern Lights Senior Leadership Masters programme
A blogger (www.leadinglearner.me), he writes on a range of topical educational issues. His latest book is Educating with Purpose: The Heart of What Matters.
Twitter: @LeadingLearner