The RSA Gift Shop is now open
Purchase your festive greeting cards and gifts from our shop and you'll support our mission to enable people, places and the planet to flourish in harmony.
Give RSA Fellowship and invest in the next generation of social entrepreneurship
We are the royal society for arts, manufactures and commerce - a global network of changemakers enabling people, places and the planet to flourish in harmony
Purchase your festive greeting cards and gifts from our shop and you'll support our mission to enable people, places and the planet to flourish in harmony.
Every person deserves to live in a vibrant community, with opportunities to thrive in a flourishing natural environment. Our Prosperous Places work will support this vision.
Area of focus
Local Prosperity Plans provide a single, long-term, integrated strategic approach to delivering economic, social, and natural prosperity for an area's residents.
Championing digital badging as a recognised learning hallmark for informal learners of all walks of life, especially for the skills needed for a regenerative economy.
Jolyon Miles-Wilson,Hayley Sims,Tom Stratton,Bernard Hay,Emily Hopkins
Bringing Fellows together in collaboration on their innovations and our mission.
Fellowship events
11am-12pm PT / 2pm-3pm ET
Join the Augmented Society Network, on November 21, as they discuss the role of audio surveillance in the workplace.
Fellowship events
Online via Zoom
Join Fellows in the South West connecting online to create and develop new ideas via an Ideathon-workshop.
Fellowship events
Central Region Schools Trust, B3 1BF
Join Fellows to discuss the question: what role can we play in helping to shape more peaceful local communities?
Fellows and the general public can access our Coffee House from the RSA's Durham House Street entrance.
The RSA Fellowship is a unique global network of change-makers enabling people, places and the planet to flourish in harmony.
Historic RSA House combines Georgian splendour with high quality contemporary design and is a versatile space suitable for a variety of events.
Coffee, food and connections. An inspiring place to collaborate.