An introduction to RSA Lab’s Future Change Framework - RSA

An introduction to RSA Lab’s Future Change Framework

Fellowship events


Online via zoom

How can we use the recovery from Covid-19 to create real, lasting change?

At the start of a week of conversations on the RSA’s Bridges to the Future, join us to learn about the RSA Lab’s future change framework, a way to make sense of how we have responded to Covid-19 and to explore how that could lead to lasting, positive change.


Following an introduction from Matthew Taylor, Ian Burbidge, Associate Director of the RSA Lab, will present on how the framework can help us to think through what has stopped, what has paused, what has been put in place temporarily – and what innovations have surfaced. A Q&A will follow.


We’ll also share details of a Conversations Guide designed to support Fellows, organisations, teams and networks to apply the framework to their own contexts, allowing for exploration of the change we are experiencing, the impact these changes are having and possible pathways to the future.



Matthew Taylor: Welcome to Bridges to the Future Conversations

Ian Burbidge: Using the RSA Future Change Framework (20 mins)

Q&A (20 mins)

Charlotte Bayley: Introducing the RSA Conversations Guide



This event is taking place during a week-long series of Bridges to the Future Conversations, hosted by the RSA and with our communities of changemakers.


At the RSA, we unite people and ideas to resolve the challenges of our time and recognise that crisis can be an opportunity for positive change. As we contend with the Covid-19 crisis, we are bringing people together to unlock ideas and innovation in the areas of society that must thrive, now and in the future.


If you have any access requirements or require any reasonable adjustments, please let the team know: [email protected].


In the run up to this event, you will receive the bespoke Zoom link in your order confirmation email.

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