Public talks
Public Talks
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Showing 1 to 7 of 7 results
29 Mar 2023
Jamie Cooke Lolita Jackson Grant Ervin
Pittsburgh and Glasgow - A transatlantic relationship rooted in action and impact
02 Dec 2022
Joan P. Ball
Building resilience in advance is the key to successfully confronting adversity
Last Word
30 Nov 2022
Deborah Meaden
There is a lot to treasure in a flop
26 Sep 2022
Adanna Shallowe
RSA project, Good Work Guild, reimagines the medieval guild as a tool for inspiration and innovation.
21 Sep 2022
Paul Polman Andrew Winston
What does it mean to be a ‘good’ business? Paul Polman and Andrew Winston explore how companies can help build a better society.
05 Apr 2022
Jamie Cooke
A Fellow-led project, bringing together Fellows in Scotland and the US is seeking to bring new ideas for the future of work to Inverclyde, a proud post-industrial area outside Glasgow.
16 Mar 2022
Tom Kenyon
Now the average person will have 12 jobs in their lifetime; for most, long gone is the era where one person could learn a skill and have one job for life. A widening gap of inequality is in play. What can we do about it?
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