Fellowship Events
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Fellowship news
23 Aug 2023
RSA Fellows are warmly invited to reSHAPE, a showcase event for ventures built on social science, humanities and Arts research, taking place on Thursday 7 September 2023 at RSA House.
Go Live Theatre Projects (formerly Mousetrap Theatre Projects), a theatre education charity, is seeking new Trustees who are aligned with its mission to use the power of theatre to improve young lives.
01 Jun 2023
RSA Fellows are invited to a screening of The Migration Blanket – Climate Solidarity at RSA House, London. The film documents the experiences of women from 17 Commonwealth countries, to highlight how climate change is destroying women’s lives.
09 May 2023
Join Amplitude on Wednesday 17 May at 1.30pm, when they'll be talking to some of the leading voices in the world of purpose-driven creativity to discuss the secrets behind creating meaningful content that drives actionable change in 2023 and beyond.
03 May 2023
RSA Fellow Dagmar Bennett has released a new documentary as part of the BBC’s New Voices from Wales series, made by up-and-coming Welsh film-makers.
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