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Showing 11 to 10 of 71 results
14 Sep 2022
Mark Hall Veronica Mrvcic
This report outlines barriers preventing people from accessing UK lifelong learning opportunities and the drivers that could encourage impactful digital innovations.
11 Apr 2022
Colin Hopkins
Colin Hopkins reviews the RSA Academies project after we brought our school-based activities to a close at the end of the 2020-21 academic year.
23 Nov 2021
Mehak Tejani Hannah Breeze
This research explores the benefits of youth social action and captures the learning from our primary social action project with schools in the West Midlands.
01 Nov 2021
Mark Londesborough
In this report we conclude the findings from the Learning About Culture project that began in 2017 and seek to determine the impact of arts-based learning on academic outcomes.
16 Mar 2020
Laura Partridge Fran Landreth Strong Elinor Lobley Danielle Mason
What’s causing the rise in school exclusions and how to fix it.
25 Sep 2019
The RSA asked teachers about school exclusions. They told us they need more help from other professionals to prevent exclusions.
23 May 2019
For this report the RSA and WorldSkills UK, supported by the Further Education Trust for Leadership (FETL), found inspiring examples of innovation in skills from around the world to help improve UK policy.
03 May 2019
The schools that extend their impact beyond the school gates by working with the local community.
14 Feb 2019
We have developed a handbook designed to make it easier to ‘do’ evidence and evaluation in arts and cultural learning.
22 Nov 2018
How do young people take part in social action, and why? This is a summary of workshops exploring the findings of the RSA report Teenagency: How young people can create a better world.
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